~Lady Travel Bug~

From New Zealand was born my travel bug... and it's an epidemic I am willing to embrace and pass on to you!

Friday, 9 July 2010


  1. It's so awesome to get to read about all that you're doing! I'm really excited for you. Judging from this picture alone, it looks like New Zealand is a really beautiful place! I laughed to myself when you mentioned the biking hills thing and having a hard time. Totally reminded me of that time that you, me, James and Andrea went on a bike ride that was like murderous. Woman, if you can do that I have a hard time believing that much else can be difficult to conquer on a bike! To be honest, I wish I was there with you in New Zealand! Unfortunately, I know that would ruin your experience there - not much independent exploring with a best friend along for the ride. But anyway, I can't wait for your next post! Love you!
    - Kristen

  2. Ah, yes. That epic bike ride (from hell). Haha! I definitely reminisced about the same moment when I was buying the bike. I'm sure I have been on plenty of bikes between then and this picture but that was the first thing I thought of...what a day. <3


Let me know what you think!