~Lady Travel Bug~

From New Zealand was born my travel bug... and it's an epidemic I am willing to embrace and pass on to you!

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Lady Travelbug is born!

I've decided to turn this blog into an on going travel diary... considering that my travels have not come to an end since leaving New Zealand but in fact -- the completely opposite effect has happened. I am now completely addicted to the world of travel. I have officially caught the travel bug. So, today, a new blog starts to follow my journey through the world and whatever it brings my way in the ways of meeting new people, seeing new places, revisiting old places, and learning from all of those experiences.

This blog is intended to create a story that can be relived over and over again in an attempt to constantly be reminded of the amazing places that I have been and how I felt while I was there. While having a conversation with my roommate and best friend last week about our travels and adventures all over New Zealand we both realized that we are already losing grasp on what it felt like to be there, what we had seen, and then personal progress we had made. We decided that these experiences would be easier to retrieve and relive if only our lives were something like a movie, where you could rewind and relive those once in a lifetime experiences because over time you lose memories, you lose feeling to amazing experiences.

Sadly, I cannot turn my life into a movie that can be rewound and relived over and over again. But in some small attempt by this blog I can create stories of my life as it happens in hopes that a fragment of the feelings I have now can get passed on to my future. 

So, today... we bid farewell to BreezyDownUnder to make room for the new and improved Lady TravelBug... Let the adventures begin continue!

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