~Lady Travel Bug~

From New Zealand was born my travel bug... and it's an epidemic I am willing to embrace and pass on to you!

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

On the Move!

Today we are heading for Franz Joesph, which is on the west coast of the south island, just further south of where we are right now. Closer to Queenstown. One of my friends that I met while living in Hamilton is working there right now with her boyfriend at a restaurant so we are hopefully going to get a few days to hang out with them! As always, the situation with my student permit is up in the air again.. so I will probably have to get myself to a larger town some point soon so I can work on getting a visitors permit before school gets mad at me and kicks me out of the country. No, just kidding. That won't actually happen... but I do need to make some things happen in the next few weeks. Other than that, today is a not-so-beautiful day in the land of the long white cloud so I guess it's a good thing that we are going to be driving for most of the day. We should make it to the glaciers today which according to Ruth is absolutely incredible ( I think I will take her word for it, it sounds pretty spectacular...just the word glacier is pretty suave, aye?)

Anyway, just wanted to check in while I still have use of this free internet... yesss. Don't have time to get pictures up yet again today... (one day it will happen.. i promise) but there are a wholeeeee ton up on facebook if you are feeling extra curious :). Peanut butter & banana TOAST (hostels allow you to have that luxury) and English breakfast tea is the perfect start to this chilly morning in Greymouth, New Zealand.

Peace, Love & flannel tshirts,
(I bought a new flannel shirt yesterday..i forgot to mention that... but im pretty excited about it.)


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